Support for LGBT*IQ refugees or migrated people

The mhc offers clearing, counselling and support for LGBT*IQ refugees or migrated people

The counselling service includes:

·         Problems in the (refugee) accommodation facilities

·         Experiences of discrimination and violence

·         Questions about the asylum procedure

·         Referral to other support services (e.g. lawyers, doctors and others)

·         Information and contacts in the LGBT*I scene

The counselling can be provided in German, English, Farsi and Arabic. Counselling with language mediation also possible in Spanish and Russian

We offer counselling only by appointment. Our services are subject to confidentiality and ensure the anonymity of our clients.

Contact us:


·         Phone: 0170 14 20 194

·         Mondays to Thursdays, 2.00 - 6.00 pm


·         Email:

Die Projekte Beratungsstelle, Jugendarbeit, Soorum, Trans*Beratung, LGBT*IQ Flucht werden von der Behörde für Wissenschaft, Forschung, Gleichstellung  und Bezirke unterstützt. Das Projekt Soorum wird zusätzlich von der Behörde für Schule und Berufsbildung gefördert.

mhc e.V.
Borgweg 8
22303 Hamburg
Tel.: 040.278 778 00

Spendenkonto: mhc e. V. bei der Sozialbank
DE13 3702 0500 0007 4947 00 

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